Collaborations with museums
In response to the difficult moment that museums are facing, we at Wisits want to propose a different and innovative way: a new way of doing tourism in 2021, an alternative solution to recreate movement within the sector.
We believe that this project, born as a response to a necessity, can be consolidated in the future as a complementary way to the traditional mode of participation instead of a temporary replacement strategy, in order to allow anyone to visit a reality that (for other conditions) would risk not being accessible.
We are open to taylor made projects, including personalized web pages with your logo.
We carry out specific tours for cultural and leisure associations, groups of friends or families.
A way to support the mission of museums as promoters and exhibitors of culture, to satisfy all those who, moved by curiosity, wish to return to discover.
For more information contact us at
What we do
With Wisits tours, interaction and fun are guaranteed: not only curiosities, legends and anecdotes, but also the opportunity to participate in prize quizzes organized by the guides, for a unique and innovative experience.
The choice of themes can be decided in coherence and complementarity with your itineraries.
The date and time of the visit are agreed according to your requests and the availability of the guides.
We are waiting for you!